Wednesday, November 26, 2008

One Word

So, for those of you who know me well, I never complete those surveys that get passed around. Time!?! Where does it all go?? This one looked like one I could master quickly though.

Where is your mobile phone? jeans
Where is your significant other? hospital
Your hair colour? light brown
Your mother? sick
Your father? work
Your favourite thing? crafting
Your dream last night? no
Your dream goal? I never was one to have New Years resolutions. Need I say more!?
The room you're in? office
Your hobby? Papercrafts
Your fear? My children getting seriously sick
Where do you want to be in 6 years? I'll be approaching my mid-40's and I'll have a 16 and 14 year olds. Yikes!!
Where were you last night? home
What you're not? confident
One of your wish-list items? New vehicle
Where you grew up? Washington
The last thing you did? Boiled eggs for Thanksgiving Dinner
What are you wearing? jeans and a sweater
Your TV? off
Your pets? not if I can help it but I think its a loosing battle
Your computer? dell
Your mood? cheery
Missing someone? My husband
Your car? ford windstar - mom mobile
Favorite shop? Michaels
Your winter? Quality family time, excited about Christmas & the holiday festivities
Love someone? family!
Your favourite colour? Country Red
When is the last time you laughed? Over coffee today with friends
When is the last time you cried? Earlier in the week
Favorite blog to read when you have time? She seems like such a Godly woman and I want to be more like that.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

September 2008 Family Photo's

So life is starting to get back to normal. As I'm sure you all have heard by now, Jack was in the hospital for 11 days with a blood clot that went the entire length of his left leg. He went in on a Monday for an outpatient orthoscopic knee surgery and three days later was admitted to the hospital. He had two rather scary and risky procedures done and was placed in the Special Care Unit. I am so thankful that he got good care and is home with his family now!! I am also so proud of him for following up with his doctor and getting an ultrasound. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't. Life is fragile and you never know if today is your last day.

In September we had an exchange student, Rosie, come to live with us for the school year. She is a very nice girl and get's along great with the girls. She shares a room with Katelynn, is 12 years old and LOVES school! October pictures to come soon. I really want to get current with the pictures so Rosie's family can be enjoying photo's of their daughter too.

Wanted to give a shout-out to all our friends and family who helped us out during Jack's hospitalization by praying for us and providing meals. You guys helped me keep my sanity so THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!