Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Target Mobile Coupons!
This weeks coupons were for $1 off Purex laundry detergent, $0.75 off 6-pk. Hershey milk chocolate candy bars, $1 off 12-pk. beverage item (A&W Root Beer, Canada Dry, Sunkist or 7Up), $1 off Hanes apparel item and $1 off InStyle magazine. They do not expire until 8/7/10 so I'm holding off on these to pair them up with a good sale! Go here to sign up for your Target e-coupons. Message and data rates may apply.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sweetpea Beauty - New Veggie Tales Video

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the truest heart of all?
Once upon a time, there lived a royally sour blueberry, a fair rhubarb
maiden and a dastardly deceptive mirror! Sweetpea Beauty knows that what’s on the inside is what matters most, but insecure Queen Blueberry can’t see past her own reflection! So, when a decree is handed down that only the most beautiful can rule the land, the Queen gets nervous and things turn ugly! Banished to the dark forest, Sweetpea’s fate seems bleak until a charming prince, a band of merry minstrels and seven snow peas come to the rescue! Will Sweetpea and her friends be able to warn the Queen in time to save her from the clutches of the tricky mirror – or will the crumbling kingdom and the Queen’s own heart be lost forever? Find out in this fairy "Veggie" tale about the real meaning of true beauty.
Plus, the almost-classic tale of . . .Snoodlerella.
A self- conscious Snoodlerella is the star of the ball after getting an extreme makeover. Her life of glamour is short-lived as the clock strikes
The video will be released on
This video is perfect for all the little princesses in your life. Let me leave you with the theme verse: Samuel 16:7 "For the Lord sees not as man sees - man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
Disney Movie Rewards = Free Movies, etc.!!
How does it work?? You earn points for: 1) eligible Disney Blu-Ray and DVD Movies, 2) watching eligible Disney theatrical releases (like Toy Story 3!) and 3) eligible Disney CD releases. The eligible Blu-Ray and DVD's come with codes that you enter online and after you have accumulated enough points, you can trade your points for DVD's, novelty items and toys, apparel and accessories, etc.
Right now, after registering, you can earn 5 points just by entering code L8N5VG3F6C! Each month you will receive a monthly newsletter that has another code for 5 points. I'm sure if you take a look at your Disney collection that you too will have enough points or nearly enough points to get a fun freebie at Disney Movie Rewards! That is unless your toddler has gotten ahold of your dvd's and taken out the loose papers that were enclosed that held the code... :~) Go to Disney Movie Rewards to register and get all the details!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
High Value Coupons on Meat & Free Money!!
This week it is $2.00 off Lloyd's Babyback Ribs so I can combo that with the $0.75 manufactured coupon I have and get a great deal on some Ribs! If you haven't already signed up to receive the Albertson's Newsletter, according to hip2save, you can sign up now and get some free bread (up to $3 value). Use promo code FREEBREAD when you enter your information.
Your family will thank you when you come home with meat for a family BBQ dinner! Pair it with some homemade potato salad and some ice cold lemonade. I'm getting hungry just writing this!
So, a while back, I mentioned Swag Bucks on my blog. I joined about 3 months ago and have received a $10 Starbucks Gift Card (yummy!), have $20 in e-Gift Cards and I have enough swagbucks to buy another $15 worth of e-Gift Cards. This program is AWESOME! My Starbucks Gift Card came right before I went to Texas so that was a great treat to have!
All you do is sign up here and then you use it for your searches just like you would another search engine like Yahoo, MSN or Google. I'll be using my e-Gift Cards for buying some Christmas presents this year. Why not get paid to search? I'd be happy to give you some pointers and answer any questions you may have about Swag Bucks...just comment or send me an email. Enjoy the summer with your family!