Thursday, February 12, 2009

Praying for your Children - Day 12 A Passion for God

Once again, I struggled with getting music or a video loaded. I tried typing in the entire codes and it still wouldn't work. I think blogger must be having some problems. On to our prayer for today...

Day 12 - A Passion for God ~ Psalm 63:8 My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

I think prayer is the best thing we can teach our children so that they have a passion for God. One cannot have passion if they do not have a relationship and we all know that communication is key to a good relationship. Here is an article I found at about teaching our children to pray:

Teaching Our Children to Pray by Christine Crowley

"Now I lay me down to sleep" and "God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for this food." Unfortunately, all too often those two simple children’s prayers are the extent of our teaching our children how to pray. Then as they grow older we find ourselves wondering why prayer is not a vital part of our children’s lives.

Children imitate what they see modeled, and we need to be an example of praying adults for our children. If they are to become children, and later men and women, who know the importance of prayer and make prayer a daily practice in their lives, then as their parents and grandparents we need to be setting the example. How can we do this?

  • Let our children see us praying. Children learn by example. Our children and grandchildren need to see us starting our day off with prayer and reading the Bible.

  • Our children also need to see us praying when a crisis arises or decisions need to be made. We also need to make pray a part of our children’s daily life by praying with and for them. Praying with our children needs to be more than a quick prayer said at meal and bedtimes.

  • Send your children off with a prayer. We have an opportunity to make a difference in our children’s day by sitting down with them before they head to school and praying for them individually. We need to be pray for guidance and protection for our children while they are away from us. Then we need to give each child the opportunity to pray for their activities of the day, and any special concerns they may have for the day. At first we may have to pray for their activities, but as they become more comfortable with this time of prayer and praying in general, they will begin praying for their own needs and the needs of the brothers and sisters as well.

  • Make a prayer box and write on slips of paper the names of extended family members, church leaders, close friends, and special needs of those in the church. Then at breakfast or during your family devotions, have each child draws a slip of paper and have them pray for the person whose name they drew throughout the day.

  • Pray over problems. When our children come to us with problems, such as problems with a classmate, upcoming test, we need to not only listen to them, and advise them, but also pray with them. Like us, our children may become discourage with prayer when they don’t see their prayers being answered right away. Just as we need to occasionally be reminded of the prayers God has answered for us, so do our children.

  • Make a "Thank You, God" box for answered prayers. As prayers are answered, write them down and place them in the "Thank You, God" box. Then once a week have each member of the family draw out a thank you slip and praise God for the answered prayer.

  • Encourage older children to keep a prayer journal. The prayer journal can consist of not only their prayer request and answers to prayer, but a place to write their prayers out.

We need to remember that our children and grandchildren will not become prayer warriors overnight, but prayer can becomes a vital part of their lives. Don’t try to put all these tips into practice at once, but start with one or two. Also don’t get discouraged if you miss a day or two of praying with your children. Just pick up and start again. Remember, start with prayer. Pray and ask God which prayer practice He would have you and your children start with and watch how God will bless not only the lives of your children and grandchildren, but your life as well.

Christine Crowley is a freelance writer and speaker who makes her home in Arizona. She teaches women's Bible studies, and serves on the women's council and missions committee in her local church.

Once again, I'd like to highlight the 'tweens' group PureNRG for their song "Live my Life for You". They have the look that's popular and current, like disney and other artists that appeal to this generation. Yet they are dressed modestly and sing the songs we would prefer our children to be singing. My youngest wants to sing and be famous like them. How cute is that! I much prefer them to the ever popular Hannah Montana and High School Musical. I want my children to have role models and mentors that have a passion for God. Our children are so impressionable. I'm hoping the link will work for you to listen to their song.

A prayer today for our children may be something like this:
Heavely Father, help my children to be drawn to you, that they will come to you for comfort, help and praise. Cultivate in my children a passion to love and serve you. May my children have the same kind of passionate love for you as did this Psalm writer: "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you" {Psalms 9:1-2}.


MichMacsMusings said...

love the pic of pri praying. also love your words of wisdom about praying. everyday on the way to daycare or rather whenever we get in the car, we always pray with pri before we leave the drive-way. i love this because it has become a time for us as a family to reflect on what the day has ahead and if we are going to be apart, it helps us to pray not only for ourself, but for those we love who are away.

The Laverty's said...

We always pray on the way to school with the girls. Pray for their day if they have test or that they'll pay close attention to their teachers, etc. We pray for Jack's day at work and my day at home. We also pray for other friends & family. Starts the day out right. Love ya!!